Research & Training: Sets objectives primarily involving generating Research Points and training staff.Moneymaker: Sets objectives primarily involving income and Hospital Value.Cure & Expand: Sets objectives primarily involving Curing Patients, Cure Rate and Hospital Value.Cure Patients: Sets objectives primarily involving Curing Patients, Cure Rate and Reputation.Speedy Recovery: Illnesses found by the custom ambulances of Two Point County (and Speedy Recovery DLC).A Stitch in Time: Illnesses found around the temporal rift of Two Point County (and A Stitch In Time DLC).

Pebberley Island: Illnesses found off the mainland of Two Point County (and Pebberley Island DLC).Bigfoot: Illnesses found in the Pointy Mountains (and Bigfoot DLC).All from the Start: All illnesses are active from the beginning.Visible Symptoms Only: Only illnesses with visible symptoms are active.Hard: Illnesses that are hard to diagnose, with a lower chance of treatment success.Medium: Illnesses that are moderately challenging to diagnose and treat.Easy: Illnesses that are easy to diagnose, with a higher chance of treatment success.All over Time: Every illness will feature, with more difficult illnesses appearing as the hospital grows.Patient Arrival Rate: Defaults to x1.00, but can be specified from x0.25 to x2.00.Income Multiplier: Defaults to x1.00, but can be specified from x0.00 to x2.00.Kudosh: Starting amount, defaults to 100, but can be specified from K0 to K20,000.Name: Defaults to that of the hospital itself, but can be specified.