It is quite easy to change DPI images if you go to a lower DPI value (for example, when you convert an image from 300 DPI to an image with 72 DPI). You can print the same image with different DPI, and use them in different cases. Next, the DPI you choose is highly dependent on how you intend to use the image. There are printers and plotters with a resolution of 2400 DPI or more. The DPI for the image to be printed is largely dependent on the printer (or plotter) on which it is printed. Good results for printing yields 300 DPI, but it is better to apply 600 DPI. When printing images, different resolutions are used. This is a little better, but still does not go in comparison with the resolution used to print images. This is very small, but for Web pages this is acceptable, since, although the images are far from perfect, they are small in size, and are loaded more quickly. For example, for images on the Internet, 72 DPI is usually used. There are many cases where high image quality is not necessary. This is due to the fact that the resolution of the image is higher, and therefore the image has more details. In general, the higher the DPI of an image, the higher its quality. Abbreviation DPI stands for "dots per inch", and is related to the quality of your photo. When you begin to digitally process your photos, one of the first terms you'll come across is DPI. If you set it to 72DPI, the image size in centimeters will not change, but the size will change in pixels (it will be 288 * 432 pixels). For example, you had an image of 300DPI and 4*6 inches (1200*1800 pixels). DPI converter has the option to "resample the image", when this option is set, your image will change in size according to the DPI specified in it.